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A New Soul Line Dance on the Streets of Dallas

After the success of The Big Man s Tribute soul line dance, our goal was to follow it up with other line dances that the community would grab hold of and love. The second installment of 410 Line Dancers choreography is the dance called 410 Wreckx Shop, which is an intermediate dance that goes to the song Wreckx Shop (Teddy Rile Fade Remix) by Wreckx-N-Effect. One never knows how a dance is received until you put it out there but this one received RAVE reviews says Isha.

The instructional video has been delayed mainly because I don t think I explained the steps that well and I just need to retape it but otherwise, they LOVE IT. I have been asked left and right for the instructional so I really need to retape it, says Isha. Right after releasing the dance, 410 Line Dancers received a call from the Who Dat Teacher herself, Linda Simms, who challenged us to create an Easy-Peasy dance, which is 2 to 4 walls and no more than a 32 count dance for the big Who Dat Party in July of 2017.

That prompted the creation of The Go Getta's Groove Soul Line Dance which is aptly named after Marlo "Go Getta" Hutchinson who primarily does a lot of the work of 410 line dancers in the shadows and background. I named it this because I tend to think a lot of what she does goes unappreciated and I wanted to make sure that this was a dance she loved, contributed to and is named after her. I have no idea what the other dance names will be as we create but this one had her name written all over it. I think it s a matter of appreciation and hopefully the dance community will love this one , says Isha. Linda Simms also has mentioned she would do an instructional to this deceptively challenging dance.

Our goal was to create 3 dances in 2017 but at the rate we are going, we are going to surpass that in no time flat, plus The Big Man s Tribute is still really catching on and many folks are loving it the more they see it. It's always surprising and humbling when people tell you that they love your dance and it s even more humbling seeing videos of people doing it and having fun with it in other parts of the country, says Isha.

Check out our new line dance and let us know what you think. Is it fun? Give us your feedback.



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