Hey there, dance enthusiasts! 🕺💃

Get ready to have a blast and learn something epic - it's time to introduce you to the "Gimme Some Mo' Line Dance"! 🎉
We've got a treat for you - the very first collaboration between three incredible talents: Isha "Big Brother Boomerang," Marlo "Go-Getta," and the one and only “The Line Dance Prince” Vieira Jr. 🌟
You might've heard the buzz about this hot new line dance making its debut on the 2023 Line Dancing Groove Cruise - but don't worry if you missed it. We've got you covered! 🚢
📽️ Check out the attached instructional video, and you'll be grooving to "Gimme Some Mo'" in no time! It's all about having fun and dancing your heart out. So, grab your dancing shoes and let's get moving! 💃👟🕺 #GimmeSomeMoDance #DancePartyTutorial #NeverStopDancing
Isha, you are a blessings to the USA dance community with all your talent. Can't wait to see your next project.